(6) Updating a User's Role in Graphium

Below are instructions for how to update a user's role in the Graphium EMR Dashboard.

  1. Login to the Graphium EMR Dashboard.

  2. Click on the settings icon in the upper right hand corner and then click on "Users and Invitations".

  3. Scroll down to the user you would like to update and click on the settings icon to the right of that user under the Actions column,

  4. Click "Edit User" from the pop-up menu.

  5. Verify the user's first and last name are correct and then choose the appropriate role(s) you wish the user to have from the drop down menu. For a brief description of each user role, please reference Step 6 of this help article.

6.   Below is a list and brief description of the user roles provided in Graphium's EMR Dashboard:

  • Organization Administrator - View/Edit Encounters, Edit Encounter Vitals, View/Edit MACRA Data & Billing Code Uploads, Send/Edit User Invites, View/Edit Providers, View/Edit Reference Lists, Manage Value Sets

  • Facility Administrator - View/Edit Encounters, Edit Encounter Vitals, View/Edit MACRA Data & Billing Code Uploads, Send/Edit User Invites, View/Edit Providers, Manage Value Sets

  • Billing Administrator - View Facilities

  • Business Analyst - View/Edit Encounters, View Providers

  • Provider (MDA, Surgeon, CRNA, etc.) - View/Edit Encounters, Edit Encounter Vitals, Perform Billing Code Uploads

  • Credentialing Staff - View/Edit Providers

  • Provider Administrator - View/Edit Encounters, Edit Encounter Vitals, Perform Billing Code Uploads, View/Edit User Invites, View/Edit Providers

  • Scheduler - View/Edit Encounters, Perform Billing Code Uploads

  • Data Entry Administrator - View/Edit Encounters

  • Data Entry Clerk - View/Edit Encounters

  • Analytics Administrator - Access the Advanced Analytics feature with the ability to run stock reports, dashboards and scorecards, as well as explore all your anesthesia data and create your own custom dashboards and analyses.

  • Analytics Viewer - Access the Advanced Analytics feature with the ability to run stock scorecards, as well as explore data and create.

7.     Once you have selected the appropriate user role, click the "Save" button.