(3) How to Invite a New User to An Organization

Below are instructions and a short video explaining how to invite a new user to your organization on the Graphium Dashboard.


  1. Login at https://app.graphiumemr.com

  2. Go to Settings 


  3. Choose "Users and Invitations" 

    Settings - Users and Invitations

  4. Click on the red button "+ New Invitation"

    Users and Invitations screen

  5. Step 1 - Create New Users - Input email address of new user and press enter. 

    User email copy
  6. Step 2 - User Roles and Facility Access - Choose the role(s) and facility access you would like the new user to have. NOTE: if the Organization Administrator role is chosen, then access to all facilities will be selected by default. 

    Roles and facility access
  7. Step 3 - Send Invitation

    NOTE: Once an invite is sent it is active for 24 hours. If the user does not create an account in that time, then the invite must be resent.

    Send invitation copy

  8. Once the new user accepts their email invitation, they will be prompted to create a username and password.