1. Graphium Health
  2. Dashboards
  3. Graphium Collector Dashboard™

Monitoring Form Batch Imports

Data Entry Administrators have access to form batch tracking within the “Import Batches” section of the Graphium Collector™ Dashboard. Below are instructions on how to monitor the progress of all batches of forms generated for an organization. 


  • Utilize the “Import Batches” section of the Graphium Collector™ Dashboard in order to monitor the progress of form batches generated for your organization.


  • Monitor the progress of all batches of forms generated for your organization on a monthly basis. 

Monitoring Batch Import Progress

  1. Login to the Graphium Collector™ Dashboard:
  2. Batches of forms must be generated in the Graphium system in order to become available for data entry. The “Generating” tab shows if records are currently generating, or in an error state and need to be regenerated.  
  3. If a batch errors in generation, the Data Entry Administrator must open the batch by clicking on the “Batch Name”.

  4. Inside the Batch Details, select the blue “Regenerate Records” button:

  5. Once your batch of forms has been successfully generated, it should appear in the “Triage” tab. The “Triage” tab shows all unassigned batches awaiting Data Entry.

  6. Once your batch has been assigned to a Graphium Data Entry team member, it will appear in the “Processing” tab. The “Processing” tab shows all your batches being processed as well as the assigned team member and progress. 

  7. Under the “Data Entry Progress” Column, you may notice any combination of the following four colors, which each represent a different state of progress a record is in. Here is what each color means:

  8. Once a data entry team member has processed your batch and it needs no further review or corrections, it will appear under the “Complete” tab. 

    Note: batches that have one or more record(s) requiring correction(s) will appear in the “Pending Review” tab. Click the link below to review our help article on “Reviewing Pending Form Batches”.

    Data Entry Administrators should be monitoring the progress of all batches generated for their organization on a  monthly basis.