(14) How to View/Edit Patient Forms in the Dashboard

Related Questions: How do I edit a form? How do I void a form? 

Below are instructions for how to view patient forms in the Graphium EMR Dashboard™. 


  • Utilize the Patients page of the Graphium EMR Dashboard™ to find forms related to patient cases. 


  1. Click here to login to the Graphium EMR Dashboard™. If you do not have access to the dashboard, please contact your organization's Administrator.
  2. Click "Patients" at the top of the homepage and then "Forms" directly below.

  3. You can filter and search the Patient form database by clicking the "+Filter your search by adding a filter" button.

  4. Ensure the correct facility is listed within the first search filter, and that Anesthesia has been chosen for the second search filter.

  5. Then click the "+Add New Filter" button to search for patient forms by several categories (i.e. completion percentage, date of service, patient name, encounter number, etc.). Simply click the first drop down menu on the left, to choose a filter category. 

  6. Once you have chosen a category and input the applicable case data for that category, click the red "Search" button in the top right corner.

  7. If more than one patient case appears, ensure you are choosing the applicable case for which you would like to research further. Once you have located the correct patient case, click the red "View Details" button to the right. 

  8. A popup window should appear with the patient's case data. 

  9. If you would like to view an actual picture of the patient form, simply click the icon next to the "View Details" button and a drop down menu will appear. 

  10. From here, you have the option to view a picture of the patient form (View Form), edit the patient form (Edit Form), or void the patient form (Void Form). Note: paper forms which have been scanned/uploaded to the Graphium system cannot be edited.

  11. If you need to unvoid a form, click the icon next to the "View Details" button and select "Unvoid Form" from the drop down menu.