Below is a video and instructions on how to access and print a blank copy of a form from the Graphium App on an iPad:
1. Begin by logging into the system. Ensure you are in the appropriate organization and facility within the system.
2. Choose either your test facility or a live facility. Note: if you select the live facility, make sure you are choosing a test patient and when you are done with all the steps, void the form you are saving/printing.
3. Select the type of form you wish to save/print. For example, in the above demonstration, we selected a "General" form.
4. Once the form is opened, you will see patient information in the lower right side of the form. Note: to ensure the form is blank before proceeding, navigate to the first page of the form, zoom into the patient information area(s), and delete any pre-filled information. You might see some fields highlighted in red; ignore these as they are not essential for the blank form and will not show up in the printed version or the saved PDF version of the form.
5. If you require more pages in your form, simply add the applicable pages.
6. Once you are satisfied with the blank form, click on the printer icon in the top right corner of the app screen to print the form. Note: before printing, confirm that the form is entirely blank and you have all the pages you need for a blank form.
7. If you would like to save a copy of the blank form locally, as a PDF on your computer, click the printer icon and then click the share icon. Then choose the "Save to Files" option.
8. It is recommended to always have a blank paper copy available in case of a network outage to ensure uninterrupted workflow.