Definitions of Discrete Fields


Surgeon of record which will be used on claim

Anesthesia ID #1 (#2, etc.)

All anesthesia providers - Anesthesiologist(s) and CRNA(s) - who cared for the patient, including Supervising MDs.

Primary Location

Anesthetizing location in the Facility

Primary Anesthetic Used

Per CMS, only 1 type of anesthetic may be chosen

PreOp Eval for OSA

Was the patient evaluated for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

PreOp Eval for GERD

Was the patient evaluated for Reflux

PreOp Eval for Glaucoma

Was the patient evaluated for Glaucoma

PreOp Eval for PONV Risk Factors

Was the patient evaluated for PONV risk factors

PreOp Eval for Alc/Tob

Was the patient evaluated for excessive alcohol/tobacco use

Attestation of Current Medications

Patients current home medications (including route, dosage, and frequency) are documented in the patient’s EHR

Surgical Safety Checklist

Time out complete, anesthesia machine checked, site is marked (if indicated), pulse oximeter placed on patient and functioning.

Anesthesia Start

Patient enters Operating Room OR Time the Labor Epidural placement has started

Anesthesia Ready

Time at which anesthesia team has completed patient induction, secured access, performed any necessary procedures (art lines, nerve blocks, etc.), and “handed” care of the patient to nursing staff for positioning and prepping. OR Time the Labor Epidural placement has ended

Surgery Start

Time of incision or procedure start (or start of C-Section following Labor Epidural)

Surgery End

Time surgery or procedure has ended (or end of C-Section following Labor Epidural)

PACU/ICU Arrival

Time the patient entered PACU or ICU for handoff

Anesthesia End

Time the primary Anesthesia team stops continuous service

Handoff Protocol Used

Was documentation of your facility’s handoff protocol used

Pain Score

PACU pain score within 15 minutes of arrival

Complication Reasons

List of complication reasons

First Case Delay

Reasons List of first case delay reasons

Same Day Cancellation Reasons

List of same day cancellation reasons