Creating and Updating Surgery Locations

Related Question: How do I edit the dropdown list in a form? 

Below are instructions showing how to edit the Surgery Locations dropdown list within your organization's form set.

Note: Changes to the "SurgeryLocations" list will apply only to specified facilities within an organization. Therefore, be sure to select the appropriate list and its applicable facility before making changes.

For reference, below is a screenshot of the Surgical Locations dropdown list referenced in this help article:

  1. Login at
  2. Go to Settings:


  3. Choose "Reference Lists":

    Settings - Reference List

  4. Click on the "Search" field and type "Surgery" to filter through the reference list options. A reference list titled "VALUE SET: SurgeryLocations" should appear as an option:

    Filter Reference Lists

  5. Click on the "View Details" button to view a list of surgery locations currently in use for your organization.
  6. To add a new surgery location to your list, click on the red "+ New Value" button in the top right. To edit a current surgery location, click on the gear icon under the Actions column (next to the applicable location) and then click "Edit". To remove a surgery location, click "Deactivate".

  7. Once complete, click "Save" to confirm your change, which should now appear within your organization's form set.