Creating and Updating Substance Types

Related Question: How do I edit the dropdown list in a form? How do I add medications to a form?

Below is a video and instructions showing how to access, edit, and maintain the Substance Types dropdown list within your organization, which can be accessed via the "VALUE SET: SubstanceTypes" list. Substance types include but are not limited to: medications, including fluids such as LR, NS, RBC, UOP, etc.

Note: Changes to the "SubstanceTypes" list will apply to ALL facilities within an organization. 

  1. Login at
  2. Go to Settings:


  3. Choose "Reference Lists":

    Settings - Reference List

  4. Click on the "Search" field and type "Substance" to filter through the reference list options. A reference list titled "Value Set: Substance Type" should appear as an option:

    Filter Reference Lists

    Substance filter
  5. Click on the "View Details" button to view a list of medications/substances currently in use for your organization.
  6. To add a new medication/substance to your list, click on the red "+ New Value" button in the top right. To edit a medication/substance to your list, click on the gear icon next to the applicable substance and then click "Edit". NOTE: Only GENERIC substance names should be used.

    Add or edit substance

  7. The "Display Order" and "Favorite" fields should be utilized to organize the favorites list within the substance dropdown menu on your iPad. All medications/substances are given a display order number of 999 and then sorted alphabetically. However, frequently used medications/substances may be given a lower number, and then chosen as a "favorite" so they display higher on the substance list: