Related Question: How do I edit the dropdown list in a form? How do I add medications to a form?
Below is a video and instructions showing how to access, edit, and maintain the Substance Types dropdown list within your organization, which can be accessed via the "VALUE SET: SubstanceTypes" list. Substance types include but are not limited to: medications, including fluids such as LR, NS, RBC, UOP, etc.
Note: Changes to the "SubstanceTypes" list will apply to ALL facilities within an organization.
- Login at
- Go to Settings:
- Choose "Reference Lists":
- Click on the "Search" field and type "Substance" to filter through the reference list options. A reference list titled "Value Set: Substance Type" should appear as an option:
- Click on the "View Details" button to view a list of medications/substances currently in use for your organization.
- To add a new medication/substance to your list, click on the red "+ New Value" button in the top right. To edit a medication/substance to your list, click on the gear icon next to the applicable substance and then click "Edit". NOTE: Only GENERIC substance names should be used.
- The "Display Order" and "Favorite" fields should be utilized to organize the favorites list within the substance dropdown menu on your iPad. All medications/substances are given a display order number of 999 and then sorted alphabetically. However, frequently used medications/substances may be given a lower number, and then chosen as a "favorite" so they display higher on the substance list: