These 4 Performance Categories are used to determine a Composite Performance Score which is then used to determine the Payment Adjustment for each unique NPI + TIN. Let's take a deeper dive into each of the Performance Categories.
1. Promoting Interoperability (0% of CPS)
Most clinicians must collect data using certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) on the required measures for the same continuous 90 (+)-day in the current performance period. This performance category replaced the Medicare EHR Incentive Program for EPs, commonly known as "Meaningful Use".
In years past, CMS has re-weighted this category to 0% for all anesthesia providers based on their status as "non-patient facing". There is no requirement for anesthesia EPs to use CEHRTs. Instead, the weight for this category is transferred to the Quality category (see below).
2. Cost (30% of CPS)
This performance category replaces the VBM. The cost of the care you provide will be calculated by CMS based on your Medicare claims. MIPS uses cost measures to gauge the total cost of care during the year or during a hospital stay. This is a bit of a black box, in that there is no current way to track or review this component score. Fortunately, there is no additional data submission requirement either.
3. Improvement Activities (15% of CPS)
This category includes an inventory of activities that assess how you improve your care processes, enhance patient engagement in care, and increase access to care. The inventory allows you to choose the activities appropriate to your practice from categories such as, enhancing care coordination, patient and clinician shared decision-making, and expansion of practice access.
This entails a single end-of-year attestation of the following available activities to verify to CMS that the data collected is being used to improve patient care. These are subject to CMS audits. Please be diligent in the selection for your providers. (For more detailed information for required validation documentation:
The improvement activity (IA) category accounts for 15% of the Final CPS. To earn full credit in this category, participants must attest to one of the following combinations of activities (each activity must be performed for 90 days or more during the reporting period, unless otherwise stated in the activity description):
2 high-weighted activities
1 high-weighted activity and 2 medium-weighted activities
At least 4 medium-weighted activities
4. Quality (55% of CPS)
This category covers the quality of the care you deliver, based on performance measures created by CMS, as well as medical professional and stakeholder groups. CMS will only use a maximum of 6 measures to determine your quality of care. You must report on at least 75% of your eligible patients for the entire year.
NOTE: While Graphium Health will report quality data for several MACRA measures, CMS will only consider the top 6 performing measures. So leaving a question blank will NOT necessarily negatively impact your Payment Adjustment, assuming there are another 6 applicable measures being recorded.
Category Maximum Points
Each of the 6 MACRA measures is worth a max of 10 points, giving this category a maximum score of 60 points. For example, if you earn a total of 25 points from your top 6 MACRA measures, then you will have earned 41.7 points (=25/60) of the Quality category.
Because the Quality Performance Category is worth 55% of the CPS, the total amount of points from this category towards CPS is 41.7% of 55 = 22.9 points.
Points per Measure
Each MACRA measure is assigned a score ranging from 0 to 10, depending on how your Performance Met for a given measure compares with the measure's national benchmark. In other words, after all quality data has been collected across the country for the entire year, CMS will divide a given measure's Performance Met rates into decile categories to create the measure's benchmark as seen in the table below for QID 430 (Prevention of PONV - Combo Therapy).
In this example, if your EP's Performance Met for MIPS 430 was 98.6%, then they would fall in Decile 5, thus earning a total of 5 pts for this measure.
NOTE: A Performance Rate of 69% for MACRA Measure A may actually be worth more CPS points compared to a 98% Performance Met for MACRA Measure B because the number of points earned for each measure is a function of BOTH your Performance Met AND how it compares to the measure's national benchmark.
Performance Met Percentage
In calculating any individual MACRA measures's Performance Met rate, all anesthesia cases for a given EP during the Reporting Periods are individually evaluated for all the elements required to score the MACRA measure. The individual criteria for each MACRA measure are described on the pages that follow.
Each measure for a given anesthetic case is assigned one of the following states based on the data provided by the EP:
Performance Met: Case is eligible for this measure (based on denominator criteria), and evaluation of numerator criteria resulted in successful performance
Performance Not Met: Case is eligible for this measure (based on denominator criteria), but evaluation of numerator criteria resulted in failed performance
Data Completeness Not Met: Case is eligible for this measure (based on denominator criteria) but is missing data required for numerator evaluation
Ineligible: Case is ineligible for this measure due to Denominator Exclusion criteria or because of missing fields. Denominator Exclusion criteria is specifically defined in each measure. For example, an ASA Physical Status of 5 may mean a given measure does not apply to a given case. "Performance Met" rate for this measure will not be affected by this case. Please review the measure definition for further details.
Denominator Exception: Based on denominator criteria for this measure, case was eligible, but it was ultimately excluded because it met certain additional criteria as defined by the measure. "Performance Met" rate for this measure will not be affected by this case. Please review the measure definition for further details.
Performance Met rate =
Data Completeness rate =