Case level details for every reported case cancellation
Filter | Default Setting | Action | Applied Tiles |
Is Voided | is = No | Removes all voided cases | All |
Is Test Facility | is = No | Removes all cases from Test Facility | All |
Is Anes Case | is = Yes | Includes only Anes case forms (ie. excludes OOR forms) | All |
Is OB Case | is any value | Includes OB and non-OB case types | All |
Date of Service | is in the past = 1 month | Shows all cases in current month | All |
Facility | is equal to [blank] | Includes all Facilities (except Test Facility) | All |
EN | is equal to [blank] | Includes all ENs | All |
Anes Provider | is equal to [blank] | Includes all Anes Providers | All |
Surgeon | is equal to [blank] | Includes all Surgeons | All |
Case Cancellation Rate (%, n/d)
- Description: The % of cases cancelled and recorded within GraphiumEMR.
- Formula: Count of Cancelled Cases / Count of all Cases
Case Cancellation Table
- Data Elements: Encounter Number, Facility, Anes Start Date/Time, Cancellation Category, Cancellation Description, Anes Provider, Surgeon, Surgeon Specialty, Form Hyperlink