Anomalous Time Intervals Dashboard

Check your data for obvious time stamp errors and dramatically improve the reliability of your reports.

Filter Default Setting Action Applied Tiles
Is Voided is = No Removes all voided cases All
Is Test Facility is = No Removes all cases from Test Facility All
Is Anes Case is = Yes Includes only Anes case forms (ie. excludes OOR forms) All
Is OB Case is any value Includes OB and non-OB case types All
Date of Service is in the past = 1 month Shows all cases in current month All
Facility is equal to [blank] Includes all Facilities (except Test Facility) All
EN is equal to [blank] Includes all ENs All
Anes Provider is equal to [blank] Includes all Anes Providers All
Surgeon is equal to [blank] Includes all Surgeons All
Anesthesia Minutes matches (advanced) = <0,>720 Includes any case with total anesthesia mins < 0 OR > 720 mins Anomalous Total Anesthesia Minutes and Anes Min Count
Anes Ready Time matches (advanced) = <0,>200 Includes any case with total anesthesia ready time < 0 OR > 200 mins Anomalous Anesthesia Ready Time and Anes Ready Count
Surg Prep Time matches (advanced) = <0,>200 Includes any case with total surg prep time < 0 OR > 200 mins Anomalous Surgical Prep Time and Surg Prep Count
Surgery Time matches (advanced) = <0,>720 Includes any case with total surgery time < 0 OR > 720 mins Anomalous Surgical Time and Surg Min Count
Emergence Time matches (advanced) = <0,>200 Includes any case with total emergence time < 0 OR > 200 mins Anomalous Emergence Time and Emergence Min Count
Epidural Ready Time matches (advanced) = <0,>30 Includes any case with total epidural ready time < 0 OR > 30 mins Anomalous Epidural Ready Time and Epidural Ready Count


Day of Surgery Count

  • Purpose: Identify all cases in which Date of Service does not match Anes Start Date.
  • Data Elements: Encounter number, Date of Service, Facility, Anes Start Date/Time, Anes Staff, Surgeon, Form Hyperlink

Anes Min Count

  • Purpose: Identify individual cases with Total Anesthesia Minutes matching filter settings.
  • Data Elements: EN, Date of Service, Facility, Anes Mins, Anes Start Date/Time, Anes Stop Date/Time, Anes Staff, Surgeon, Form Hyperlink

Anes Ready Count

  • Purpose: Identify individual cases with Anesthesia Ready Minutes matching filter settings.
  • Data Elements: EN, Date of Service, Facility, Anes Ready Mins, Anes Start Date/Time, Anes Ready Date/Time, Anes Staff, Surgeon, Specialty, Form Hyperlink

Surg Prep Count

  • Purpose: Identify individual cases with Surgical Prep Minutes matching filter settings.
  • Data Elements: EN, Date of Service, Facility, Surg Prep Mins, Anes Ready Date/Time, Surg Start Date/Time, Anes Staff, Surgeon, Specialty, Form Hyperlink

Surg Min Count

  • Purpose: Identify individual cases with Total Surgery Minutes matching filter settings.
  • Data Elements: EN, Date of Service, Facility, Surg Mins, Surgery Start Date/Time, Surgery End Date/Time, Anes Staff, Surgeon, Form Hyperlink

Emergence Min Count

  • Purpose: Identify individual cases with Total Emergence Minutes matching filter settings.
  • Data Elements: EN, Date of Service, Facility, Emergence Mins, Surgery End Date/Time, In PACU Date/Time, Anes Staff, Surgeon, Form Hyperlink

Epidural Ready Count

  • Purpose: Identify individual cases with Epidural Placement Minutes matching filter settings.
  • Data Elements: EN, Date of Service, Facility, Epidural Ready Mins, Epidural Start Date/Time, Epidural End Date/Time, Anes Staff, Surgeon, Form Hyperlink